Academic is the core function of any school. At Hospital Hill High School we have structures that monitor learning to ensure the boys are empowered to unlock and achieve their full potential in a friendly environment. We create a motivating learning environment while collaborating with the school community. Programs are in place to provide quality educational services that inspire all to realize their aspiration through self-discipline, commitment and fairness guided by excellence as the performance benchmark.
On Curriculum implementation.
Hospital Hill High is a public extra-county school that offers the 8-4-4 curricular. Subjects offered are clustered as follows:
Mathematics, English, Kiswahili
Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
History, Geography, Christian Religious Education and Islamic Religious Education.
Business Studies, Computer Studies, Art and Design, Agriculture, French, Music and Home Science.
We have five streams per class with an average of 50 students in a class.
Currently, we have a committed team of about 50 teachers.
Morning prep for the boys starts at 6.30 am up to 7.30 am all days of the week. Different programs from 7.30 am to 8 am cater to the boys’ well-being and spiritual nourishment. The lesson begins at 8 am to end at 4 pm. After 4 pm there are planned activities to unlock the boys’ potential away from class. In the evening they have prep from 7 pm to 10 pm to do their assignments and undertake personal study.
The Deputy Principal Academics oversees curriculum implementation with the help of the Dean of Studies and Heads of Department who closely monitor learning activities in their department and Heads of Subject to monitor activities at the subject level. The heads of departments also support subject-relative extra-curricular activities like debate, drama, music and the like.
On Co-curricular
The Hospital Hill High School boys participate in varied co-curricular activities including Drama festivals, Music festivals, athletics, and ball games where they reach the national levels.