The teachers in the department:
1. Mrs. Faith Ngaruiya H.O.D. (CRE / Geo)
2. Mrs. Sarah Musembi (CRE/Swa)
3. Ms. Viola Odiwuor (CRE/Hist)
4. Mr. Nashon Anuro (Hist/CRE)
5. Miss. Ivy Chege (Hist / CRE)
6. Mr. Joseph Kulabusia (Kisw / CRE)
7. Mr. Ibrahim Rashid (I.R.E / Swa)
8. Ms. Ruth Omache (Hist / Swa)
9. Mr. Wabule Emmanuel (Geo / Business Stud.)
10. Mr. Evans Kirwa (Geo/ Eng)
11. Mr. Victor Mairura (Hist/ Swa)
12. Mr. Jared Otwabe (Geo / Business Stud.)
In our school, we offer Geography, History, Christian Religious Education (CRE), and Islamic Religious Education (IRE).
It helps students develop a comprehensive understanding of the physical and human aspects of the world around them. Students learn about diverse geographical features, including landforms, climate patterns, and ecosystems. Moreover, they study human interactions with the environment, urbanization, population dynamics, and resource management. The subject promotes critical thinking by encouraging students to analyze the impact of human activities on the natural world and vice versa. Field trips, map reading, and research projects are commonly used to enhance students' practical understanding of geographical concepts.
It aims to give students insights into the past, fostering an appreciation for cultural heritage and the lessons learned from historical events. Students explore various periods, including pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial eras, focusing on Kenya's history within the global context. The curriculum covers topics such as the struggle for independence, political changes, social movements, and economic developments. By studying history, students are encouraged to develop critical thinking, research skills, and an understanding of how past events influence contemporary society.
Christian Religious Education (CRE):
CRE offers students a chance to delve into religious beliefs, values, and ethics within a Christian context. The subject aims to promote moral and spiritual development, fostering virtues such as compassion, empathy, and ethical decision-making. Students explore biblical teachings, religious practices, and the role of Christianity in shaping cultural and societal norms. CRE encourages students to reflect on their personal beliefs and values while fostering tolerance and respect for other religions.
Islamic Religious Education (IRE):
IRE is an essential humanities subject in the Kenyan 8-4-4 system, catering to Muslim students by providing insights into Islamic beliefs, traditions, and values. Like CRE, IRE seeks to instil moral and ethical values within a religious context. Students learn about the teachings of the Quran, the life of the Prophet Muhammad, Islamic history, and rituals. IRE encourages critical thinking by engaging students in discussions about the role of Islam in contemporary society, fostering an understanding of diversity and interfaith dialogue.
The humanities subjects within the Kenyan 8-4-4 system of education play a vital role in shaping students' holistic development by enhancing their understanding of geography, history, and religious beliefs. These subjects not only provide knowledge but also promote critical thinking, cultural awareness, and moral values. The integrated approach of the 8-4-4 system ensures that students graduate with a well-rounded education that prepares them for active citizenship and engagement in a diverse and dynamic world.