In the 8-4-4 system, English is a core subject and plays a crucial role in the curriculum. It encompasses the development of language skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The English curriculum aims to enhance students' communication abilities, critical thinking, and analytical skills.
English Literature: English Literature is typically an elective subject at the high school level under the 8-4-4 system. It focuses on the study of literary works, including poetry, drama, and prose. Students explore various genres, themes, and literary techniques. The subject aims to promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of literature, as well as develop students' skills in literary analysis and interpretation.
Assessment: Assessment in both English and English Literature involves a combination of written exams, coursework, and sometimes oral presentations. Students are expected to demonstrate their understanding of literary texts, their ability to analyze language, and their proficiency in written communication.
Literature Set Books: In the 8-4-4 system, literature syllabi often include a list of prescribed set books that students are required to study. These books can vary from year to year and are chosen to represent a diverse range of literary styles, cultures, and historical periods.
French: It is offered as an elective subject in secondary school. It introduces students to the basics of the French language and culture, covering vocabulary, grammar, and conversational skills, fostering multilingualism and enhancing opportunities for international studies and careers.
Please note that the 8-4-4 system is being phased out, and the CBC (Competency-Based Curriculum) has been introduced to reform the Kenyan education system. The CBC emphasizes skills development, critical thinking, and a more holistic approach to education.
Our able teachers in the department are:-
- Mr. Abner Njoga - HOS
- Ms. Jean Waiganjo
- Miss. Catherine Wanjiru
- Miss. Tidings Muthoni
- Ms. Scholastica Muange (Deputy Principal Academics)
Idara ya Kiswahili inashughulikia somo la Kiswahili ambalo ni la lazima katika shule za msingi na za upili. Katika shule hii ya wavulana ya Hospital Hill, walimu na wanafunzi hujikakamua vilivyo ili kuhakikisha kwamba ufanisi umepatikana.
Shughuli za idara
a) Kuwafunza wanafunzi Kiswahili.
b) Kuwaandaa wanafunzi kwa mtihani wa kitaifa wa KCSE.
c) Kuwaandaa wanafunzi ili kushiriki katika mashindano na tamasha za muziki na maigizo.
d) Kuwashirikisha wanafunzi katika mijadala shuleni na kwingineko.
e) Kuwaelekeza wanafunzi katika utunzi wa kazi za Kiswahili kama mashairi, tamthilia , nyimbo na Hadithi fupi.
f) Kuwahamasisha wanafunzi kuhusu matumizi ya lugha sanifu na kupambana na kilugha cha sheng’.
Idara hii ina walimu wakakamavu na wanaojikakamua kweli nao ni;
- Bi Musembi
- Binti Omache
- Bwana Mairura
- Bwana Kulabusia
Bi Ruth Omache Moraa
Mkuu wa Idara ya Lugha